Custom Default Fill Factor

By default, SQL Server uses a fill factor of 100% for the pages in index files. Although there are some cases where having a lower fill factor can improve performance, this should be implemented on an index-by-index basis.

Setting an incorrect database-wide fill factor can lead to indexes that don't need a lower fill factor spanning more pages, which will use more memory, disk space and not perform as well.

Suggested Action

šŸ’” Aireforge Advisor can automatically generate a script for this.

Change the default fill factor back to the default of 100 (or 0, which SQL Server treats as the same thing).

How to Alter the Default Fill Factor for SQL Server

USE [WhippetWorks];
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'fill factor', 100;

Further Reading

Configure the Fill Factor Server Configuration Option | Microsoft Docs