Aireforge Studio v1.12: Advancements Across Modules & SQL Server 2019 Support

What's New in Aireforge Studio v1.12

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Version 1.12 of Aireforge Studio continues our journey towards perfection by introducing pivotal updates, enhancements, and resolving issues from previous iterations. Delve into the new and improved features of this release.

Key Enhancements and Additions

  • Advise Module:

    • Resolved an issue with an incorrect script for addressing low free space.
    • Addressed a bug with sizing small databases.
    • Primary keys are no longer highlighted as unused indexes.
    • Introduced PageCount to the index information dialog.
    • Rectified bugs related to Advise results resizing and display.
    • Enhanced URL click handling within Advise results, allowing linked pages to open in the default browser.
    • "Unused index" warnings now provide context, detailing the creation date of the table or the last server restart, whichever is more recent.
    • Implemented checks for index names against both predefined and custom naming conventions.
  • Script Module:

    • Fixed a bug when refreshing the list of database names.
    • The Compare tab now flaunts a 'Snapshot' button, enabling users to instantly capture a snapshot to file for subsequent viewing.
    • Rectified an issue with the Run button malfunction.
  • Estate Module:

    • Introduced check boxes in the tag tree on the Estate view, allowing users to bulk-select servers using tags.
    • Extended health checks to support SQL Server 2019.
    • Introduced an array of health checks for various functionalities including suspect pages, auto_close, unsent mail, and more.
    • The connection test dialog has been redesigned for clearer progress indication and test restart capability.
    • A handy Launch menu has been added to the Estate view, facilitating quick access to Remote Desktop and SSMS for the highlighted server.
    • Estate view now prominently displays an Aireforge logo watermark at the bottom right.
    • Updated health check definitions for a comprehensive evaluation.
  • General Improvements:

    • Addressed an issue with the About dialog failing to load.
    • The settings dialog has been revamped to distinctly showcase application-related and profile-related settings.
    • Introduced F5 support throughout the software, enabling quick functionalities like starting an Advise analysis or a Compare check with a simple key press.
    • Enhanced the application's integration with browser proxy settings for operations like checking app updates.
    • The product update dialog has been enriched to display changes across all versions between the current and the new release, ensuring users are well-informed.
    • Expanded support for SQL Server 2019.

Aireforge Studio Version 1.12

Wrapping Up

With version 1.12, we aim to refine your Aireforge Studio experience further. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we look forward to more opportunities to evolve.

Release Notes

Version 1.12

Module Description
Advise A slew of improvements, additions, and bug fixes as detailed above.
Script Snapshot feature, bug fixes, and enhanced usability.
Estate Bulk server selection, extended and updated health checks, and improved functionality.
General Across-the-board refinements including F5 support, settings dialog overhaul, SQL Server 2019 support, and more.