Why Snapshots Should Be on Your Festive Checklist

Why Snapshots Should Be on Your Festive Checklist

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Ted In The Snow

Are you taking some time off over the holiday period? Do you have a change freeze scheduled over the next few weeks?

If so, taking a snapshot of your servers' configuration is a helpful way of making your work less stressful when you return. That way, when you get back after your time off, you can compare the state of your servers post-holiday with how you left them. You wouldn't leave your house for the break without properly securing it, so why should your servers be any different?

Comparing snapshots is easy in Aireforge Studio. In the application, take a snapshot of your servers this week. Then when you get back, it's only a few clicks to compare it against the same servers. You get a clear list of the differences between them, so you'll immediately be able to see any changes anyone has made. No more hidden surprises, and it makes it so much simpler to revert things if you need to.

Watch our video or read the support page to see how. Then, relax and enjoy your time off, knowing you'll be prepared for your return.